[...] How could that be achieved? Make people regret talking to you.
Some random citizen could approach you and ask you a simple question like when rations will be distributed. You'd just answer him and he'll be on his way, right? Wrong. Ask him why he's asking. Ask him if he really needs rations. Ask him his name, where he lives, where he's coming from, and where he's going. What is he up to? Does he have a job? Look at his datafile, ask him about what you find there. Random violation three weeks ago? Why? Search him, even. Ask him about items in his inventory, even if nothing is interesting about them. Why is he carrying around a piece of metal? Where'd he find it? What is he going to do with it? Why didn't he leave it at home? Does he have more stuff like that at home? Maybe you should search his apartment. Make him regret the moment he approached you.
Now, you shouldn't just do this to everyone, or do it to the same person multiple times. If you do, it'll get annoying and repetitive, and people will hate it from an OOC standpoint. We instead want them to hate it from an IC standpoint but remain entertained and immersed OOCly. Give people trouble when possible, but don't overdo it. Think about the other person too, and don’t be a jackass.
Let's say you go to buy something from a store. Maybe a sandwich to eat when you return to the Nexus. If you read the Informational Document, you’d know that this is frowned upon, but you can still do it. Ask to see the shop owner’s papers. Store license, work permit. How many employees work there? Is there anything suspicious about them? What’s the usual income of the business? What does he do with all the money? Perhaps you’d like to have a look inside. Search his stock, search him. Be a menace. But, again, don’t overdo it. On Lancer 1, some CPs often asked to see business licenses, which was great, but they did it too often to the point where people started OOCly complaining about it. We don’t want that again, but we want people to see CPs and go “Shit, CPs”, and not “Oh, CPs. Anyway-”.