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Information Lancer 2: Civil Protection Informational Document

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General Public Service Detail

The General Public Service Detail is a voluntary manual labor task that a citizen can take up and complete at will, or if randomly assigned by a functionary. Upon the mature termination of the assigned task, the supervising unit may award the citizen with no more than a single Workforce Coupon.

There exist several different types of General Public Service Details, the ones that are currently utilized being listed below:
  • T94-322
    • Cleaning something.
    • Picking up litter.
    • Disposing of garbage.
  • T11-512
    • Painting or Coloring walls and other objects.
  • T34-752
    • Building something.
    • Rebuilding something.
    • Repairing something.
  • T72-611
    • Moving objects.


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For a functionary’s excellence and cohesive behavior in the field, they can be awarded up to five Sterilized Credits at any one time, either by a Rank Leader or most commonly by Dispatch itself. These Sterilized Credits can then be used for several things, from simply ranking up to the next Integrity class to preserving one’s Family Cohesion. A list of all available rewards are listed below:
  • Subject Information Redemption (3 SC)
    • The unit in question receives information about a single relative, including citizen status and priority assignment. The location of the individual in question is restricted information for Civil Protection functionaries.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 5 and above.
  • Additional Ration Redemption (1 SC)
    • The redeeming unit may receive an additional ration packet from the designated Civil Protection ration dispenser, regardless of the current dispense cooldown.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 5 and above.
    • This reward requires the presence of a functionary ranked Integrity 1 and above.
  • Preservation of Family Cohesion (5 SC)
    • Dispatch will not single out said unit's remaining family members for slaughter, beatings, or starvation via ration deprivation for a single week. Although, said unit is still vulnerable to being punished by Dispatch, however, this reward will make sure their family receives adequate treatment.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 4 and above.
  • Supplement Reduction Programme (10 SC)
    • The unit in question is allowed to select any Civil Body of Middle-Class citizenship or above to receive standard rations for a set amount of 1 week. Said individual may be someone they dislike from the past or someone who has annoyed said unit but has not committed a violation. The programme can only be overridden by Overwatch/Dispatch.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 3 and above.
  • Special Item Redemption (20 SC)
    • The Unit in question may request for a special item or object to be given to them.
    • This may include a Pre-Arrival item or something of a similar nature that the unit really wants.
    • This request may be denied if the item is inaccessible or no longer available.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 3 and above.
  • Psycho-Mechanical Simulation (25 SC)
    • The recipient will receive a single capsule containing an unspecified experimental drug, the substance will put the user into an almost comatose state for the duration of thirty minutes, during that state the user will have a 99.9% chance rate to be put into what could be described as a hyper-realistic lucid dream - giving the user absolute control over their mind and can experience anything that they desire.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 2 and above.
    • This reward requires the presence of a Rank Leader.
  • Selectee Proselyte (15 SC)
    • The unit in question is allowed to single out one citizen from their daily life and recommend them for Civil Protection duty. This is a gamble, as Dispatch can outright deny the person access, although, for the cheap price, it can be worth it. The selectee will never have access to the Selectee Proselyte reward, and will not earn Sterilized Credits for two days, the unit using the reward can never use the reward again unless Dispatch denies the selectee.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 2 and above.
    • This reward requires the presence of a Rank Leader.
  • Firearm Article Upgrade (10 SC)
    • The unit in question receives the Heckler & Koch MP5k sub-machine-gun - a direct upgrade from the H&K MP7, with a faster fire rate and a three-bullet burst shoot mode.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 2 and above.
    • This reward requires the possession of an MP7 & Automatic firearm training.
    • This reward requires the presence of a Rank Leader.
  • Social Administration Interaction Programme (30 SC)
    • The unit in question will be authorized to meet with a high-ranking member of the Interim Global Authority of their choosing, so long as that member is willing to meet with them. The meeting will be supervised by one or more members of the Overwatch Transhuman Arm, who are free to terminate the meeting at any time. The unit in question is expected to maintain the standard anonymity that is required of all operatives.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 1 and above.
  • Workforce Emancipation (100 SC)
    • The unit is discharged from active duty. The unit in question will be given Upper-Class status, have their equipment confiscated, and be prevented from disclosing their now past occupation to anyone. The unit in question is subjected to mandatory drafting in times of crisis. To be discharged the unit in question is assigned to undergo psychological evaluation and if they prove stable and compliant they are subjected to multiple memory replacement procedures.
    • This reward is reserved for functionaries of Integrity 1 and above.
    • This reward requires the presence of a Faction Leader.
  • Non-Mechanical Reproduction Simulation (100 SC)
    • A willing male or female (depending on the gender of the functionary) colleague of Civil Protection origin is chosen for the simulation, provided they agree, both subjects engage in sexual intercourse in a locked cell.
    • This reward is reserved for Officers and above.


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Interface Terminals

The Interface Terminals are computers specifically designed for use by Civil Protection functionaries in order to act as tools to assist their everyday duties. The terminals hold a number of different useful features that contribute towards maintaining the Socio-Stability in their own way. Below is a list of them:
  • Clear - Clear the screen.
    • Clears the screen of the terminal, hiding any previous commands or logs.
  • Datafile - View the lite version of someone’s datafile.
    • Displays a ‘lite version’ of a subject’s datafile, providing some basic information.
      • Name
      • Civil Status
      • Employment Status
      • BOL Status
      • Social Merits
  • Eject - Eject a resource from the terminal.
    • Ejects a stored resource from the terminal.
      • Papers
      • Blank Cards
  • Exit - Power down the terminal.
    • Powers down the terminal, deactivating it completely.
  • Help - View a list of commands.
    • Displays a list of available commands for the terminal.
  • Info - View Terminal-related information.
    • Displays some information related to the terminal, such as its resource count.
      • Software version
      • Blank Card count
      • Paper count
  • Math - Perform simple arithmetic.
    • Performs simple arithmetic commands.
  • Print - Print an item.
    • Generates an item through the Fabrication Module using stored resources.
      • Workforce Coupons
      • Identification Cards
  • Status - View the Socio-Stabilization Status.
    • Displays some information relevant to the Socio-Stabilization.
      • Socio-Stabilization Status
      • Active Functionary manifest
      • Dispatch Artificial Intelligence Node Unit status
      • Active Airwatch Asset manifest


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Viscerators, colloquially known as Manhacks, are small, offensive, autonomous aerial drones utilized by Civil Protection. Their attack pattern consists of accelerating towards their target with the intent of impacting at high speed using their razor-sharp, high-speed spinning blades, which are also utilized for propulsion and maneuverability in the air.

Viscerators can be acquired through the standard equipment dispenser of your local index after attaining the rank of Integrity 3. Each unit costs 5 Sterilized Credits and can be reused multiple times if not destroyed in the field post-combat-use.

Viscerators will only attack suspects who are trespassing, are holding a lethal weapon, are concealing their identity, or are designated as an Anti-Citizen in their datafile record. Furthermore, outland biotics and necrotics will also be targeted.

In the event that your viscerator goes rogue or ventures off-course, or it is no longer required in the field, you can utilize the /DisableManhack command to immediately force it to retract back into its shell and fall onto the ground. If that does not work, or it threatens the life of a High-Value Target or Overwatch Asset, you may deservice the unit yourself as a last resort.

Note that only one viscerator may be active per functionary. Deploying a secondary viscerator will automatically disable the first one.


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Visual Uplinks

Visual Uplinks, otherwise known as Waypoints or simply Uplinks are HUD elements that can be created to mark a specific location for a variety of reasons. This can range from Dispatch assigning a task and designating a location, detecting an immediate danger to Socio-Stabilization (such as an armed assailant), and detecting a BOL subject, among a few others.

The usage of Visual Uplinks is permitted for functionaries of any rank, however, their abuse or misuse can lead to a deterred Socio-Stabilization and can thus result in charges.

There are three types of uplinks, however, only one of them is available to ordinary functionaries, and it changes color based on its location. The two other types are mostly used by cameras and dispatch to mark BOL’d suspects, suspects who are concealing their identity, armed suspects, and deserviced functionaries.


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Stunsticks, otherwise known as Stun-batons, are used as a tool of population control and suppression, not as an actual weapon (unless necessary); their use comparable to a nightstick. Stunsticks are the primary tool used for the Re-Education of subjects.

Stunsticks may be activated and de-activated at will by using a simple, yet somewhat aggressive motion of swinging them up and down once. When used while de-activated, they are comparable to a baton, and they may be used for inflicting light bruises on a subject, depending on the force of the operator. When used while activated, they consume energy and lightly electrocute the subject on contact, causing minor burning wounds in addition to bruising.


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Memory Replacement

Memory replacement is an act defined as altering a subject’s mind to force fidelity to the regime. This unquestioning loyalty is achieved by erasing problematic elements from the individual's memory.

Once complete, the character in question must reflect this in some way that is loyal to the Combine, like abolishing any rogue or corrupt behavior, actively sacrificing oneself to achieve a goal that benefits the state, etc.

At the time of writing, there is no in-game mechanic for this procedure.


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Witness Sterilization

Although rare, sometimes, a Rank Leader or Dispatch may order the Witness Sterilization of certain subjects of the workforce. This is a form of preserving Socio-Stability by ensuring the integrity of the regime remains uncontradicted.

Specifically, this may happen if a civilian (or otherwise) witnesses something that puts the state in bad light or otherwise damages its reputation (eg witnessing the deservicement of multiple Civil Protection functionaries).

The steps to execute a Witness Sterilization are as follows:
  1. Assemble all involved workforce assets into the same location
  2. Confirm they are all isolated from the rest of the workforce (ie no one is watching & you are in an isolated location)
  3. Amputate all subjects
  4. Sterilize all DBs and confiscate any contraband articles if applicable


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Screening & Arresting

Screening refers to the act of searching a subject to uncover any contraband or weapons on their person or to ensure that they are not a threat.
Despite popular belief, screening somebody does not require the subject to be facing away, or to be restrained. While safer, it is completely optional.
If any contraband is found, it is to be confiscated, reported to the Protection Team Leader, and the subject is punished accordingly. If a weapon is found, and the subject is not an immediate danger, it is preferred to avoid an Immediate Amputation, as instructed by the Citizen Transgression Spreadsheet, unless stated otherwise by a Higher-Ranking functionary, or Dispatch.

Arresting refers to the act of restraining a subject and relocating them to a Stabilization Jurisdiction for questioning, punishment, or a myriad of other reasons.
Arresting a subject can be done aggressively by forcing them onto the ground or other surface, thus restricting their movement, and restraining them with a zip tie, or by just tying them up and leading them to where they need to be. The former can be done when the subject is unwilling to cooperate or is resisting arrest.


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Guard Duty / Escorts

Although rare, sometimes you may be required to guard or escort a High-Value Target that is of considerable importance, albeit not important enough to justify the immediate attention of the Transhuman Arm. The cases for this are few, but the most notable one is for the District Governor.

While you are not obligated to listen to his or her orders, you must ensure their survival, lest you risk deservicement, or worse.
Governor escorts should consist of at least one Civil Protection officer, with the ideal number being around three.
While in an escort, Socio-Stability weapon restrictions are lifted - meaning you are allowed (and even encouraged) to hold out your weaponry while in an escort regardless of the current Socio-Status, to be able to swiftly respond and eliminate any possible threat towards your HVT.


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Suit Modules

To ensure maximum cohesion and capability on the field, Civil Protection uniforms have been modified and outfitted with several slots for modules that expand their functionality in various ways to assist the functionary utilizing it in carrying out their required duties. These modules can be acquired in exchange for Sterilized Credits through a local equipment dispenser.

The currently available modules are as follows:
  • Visor Magnification: Allows the user to temporarily magnify their vision.
  • Socio-Stabilization Readout: Displays a live socio-stability log on the user’s HUD.
  • Protection Team Index: Displays the user’s current Protection Team information.
  • Visual Uplink: Displays Visual Uplinks on the user’s HUD.
  • Asset Identification: Identifies and provides information about nearby units on the user’s HUD.
  • Vital Status Monitoring: Displays vital info on the user’s HUD & alerts when trauma is received.
  • Verdict Monitoring: Displays a live counter of loaded ammunition on the user’s current firearm.
  • Visual Download: Enables the direct transmission of images from Airwatch assets.
  • Dialect Transcription: Automatically translates foreign languages in the user’s vicinity.
  • Socio-Status Display: Displays a live socio-status monitor on the user’s HUD.
  • Night Vision: Enables short-range night vision capability.
  • Asset Bio-Tracker: Enables long-range unit identification and displays it on the user’s HUD.
  • Auditory Enhancement: Automatically enhances spoken speech in the user’s vicinity.


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Ministry of Civil Protection

The Ministry of Civil Protection is a Branch of Government established within the Interim Global Authority with the purpose of representing Civil Protection in Congress & the greater IGA itself. Their purpose is to relay the wishes, thoughts, or demands of the commanding functionaries of the local district, or the city itself, to the politicians.

The Ministry of Civil Protection also involves itself in various forms of media, recruitment campaigns, broadcasts, and general propaganda.

The MCP does not hold any significant power over civilians or enlisted functionaries themselves, and mainly just serves as political representatives.


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When operating within stable locations in the city you are to react accordingly to the situation. Any prosecutions or punishments are to be carried out outside of the eyes of the Civic Populace. This includes re-educations, pacifications, amputations, etc, which should all be done outside of the average citizen’s view unless there’s a direct threat to Overwatch Forces or a High Value/Priority Target.

Civil Protection are no longer obligated to carry out re-educations out of sight.


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[...] and not engage in an inconsequential conversation. Any discussion that does not have to do with the preservation of socio-stabilization is unneeded and is a waste of time in the eyes of Dispatch.
One major component of maintaining uniformity as a Civil Protection functionary is their behavior around and with citizens and other non-overwatch assets. The primary directive of a unit is to maintain the Socio-Stability of the region; something that is not achieved in the slightest by engaging in unnecessary chatter with civilians.

However, sometimes engaging with civilians may be unavoidable. There are several instances that this is true, one of them being purchasing something from a civilian-ran business. While it is highly discouraged, functionaries are permitted to buy goods from businesses around the city, such as drinks or food, for use during their off-duty or revitalization period. However, excess or unnecessary engagement with civilians is looked down upon and will likely lead to charges.
The same also goes for assisting civilians on a personal level, such as lending them tokens, giving them free food or other commodities, and the like. Doing so will lead to heavy charges.
[...] How could that be achieved? Make people regret talking to you.

Some random citizen could approach you and ask you a simple question like when rations will be distributed. You'd just answer him and he'll be on his way, right? Wrong. Ask him why he's asking. Ask him if he really needs rations. Ask him his name, where he lives, where he's coming from, and where he's going. What is he up to? Does he have a job? Look at his datafile, ask him about what you find there. Random violation three weeks ago? Why? Search him, even. Ask him about items in his inventory, even if nothing is interesting about them. Why is he carrying around a piece of metal? Where'd he find it? What is he going to do with it? Why didn't he leave it at home? Does he have more stuff like that at home? Maybe you should search his apartment. Make him regret the moment he approached you.

Now, you shouldn't just do this to everyone, or do it to the same person multiple times. If you do, it'll get annoying and repetitive, and people will hate it from an OOC standpoint. We instead want them to hate it from an IC standpoint but remain entertained and immersed OOCly. Give people trouble when possible, but don't overdo it. Think about the other person too, and don’t be a jackass.

Let's say you go to buy something from a store. Maybe a sandwich to eat when you return to the Nexus. If you read the Informational Document, you’d know that this is frowned upon, but you can still do it. Ask to see the shop owner’s papers. Store license, work permit. How many employees work there? Is there anything suspicious about them? What’s the usual income of the business? What does he do with all the money? Perhaps you’d like to have a look inside. Search his stock, search him. Be a menace. But, again, don’t overdo it. On Lancer 1, some CPs often asked to see business licenses, which was great, but they did it too often to the point where people started OOCly complaining about it. We don’t want that again, but we want people to see CPs and go “Shit, CPs”, and not “Oh, CPs. Anyway-”.

The IC as well as OOC guidelines on CP interactions with civilians have been greatly loosened to promote and facilitate more engaging roleplay between the two factions.
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